Bengal's romantic Krishna

 Bengal's beloved Krishna

Krishna/Kisna is the most beloved character in Vaishnava sampradaya. As he is the ultimate and the most famous deity in the eighth avatars of Lord Vishnu. Almost everywhere in India, you will find this God is worshipping by his devotees.

Metal Idol of Krishna


He is a central character in the Mahabharata, the Bhagavata, and the Bhagavat  Gita, and is mentioned in Hindu philosophical thoughts. His way of thinking and his devotional path can easily acceptable to all Mankind in the world. In few words, the definition of his character is quite difficult.

Today I am expressing the worshipping style of Lord Krishna in West Bengal, here he considered as the little young man/ child/ friend to his devotees.  

Aronghata Jugal Kishore

In Bengal, he called numerous names as KalaChand, Shaymchand, Gopinath, Gobindo, etc. each name has its own significations. He actually has a tilted posture, hands holding a Banshi(a musical instrument ) on his hands & a beautiful smiling face which seems to be very attractive to me.

. I am actually not sure about when his puja has started in Bengal. But after the bhakti movement by Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu( another avatar of Vishnu) in the mid-era the worshiping started very fast. The oldest style of Sri Krishna idol was made up of mostly Black stone(KasthiPathar), Wooden, and Astadhatu(a mixture of some heavy metals like silver, Tamba, Gold), etc. 

Sri Radha Kanta jiu of Malliks

Radha his internal lover also worshiping with him. They are the symbol of true love. Radharani the queen of Krishna's heart. Without her the Krishna is nothing.

Kasthipathor idol of Krishna 

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